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Me. Alas, what I refolve appears too plain :
In faying that I cannot hate, I pardon.
Jup. But what’s a pardon worth, without a feal?
Permit me, in this tranfport of my joy
[Kiffes her hand, j .
Ale. Forbear; I am offended with myfelf,
[Putting him gently away with her hand. ,
That I have Ihewn this weaknefs. Let me go,
Where I may blulh, alone.
[Going ; and looking back on him. ,
But come not you:
Left I Ihould fpoil you, with excefs of fondnefs.
And let you love again.— [Exit Alcmena.
Jup. Forbidding me to follow, Hie invites me s j
[AJule. :
This is the mould of which I made the fex:
I give ’em but one tongue, to fay us nay ;
And two kind eyes, to grant. Be fure that none (
[To Mercury, k
Approach, to interrupt our privacy
[Exit Jupiter after Alcmena.
Mercury and Phaedra remain.
Merc. Your lady has made the challenge of I
reconciliation to my lord: here's a fair example jj
for us two, Phcedra.
Phced. No example at all, Sofia: for my lady .
had the diamonds afovehand, and I have none of ii
the gold goblet. j
Merc. The goblet lhall be forth-com#i£; if H
thou wilt give me weight for weight.
Phced. Yes, and meature for meafure too, Sofa: ;
that is, for a thimbleful of gold, a thimbleful of |:
Merc. What think you now, Phcedra? Here’s •
a weighty argument of love for you.
[Pulling out the goblet in a cafe, from
under his cloak.