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Lad night, when I was circled in your arms?
Remember what you fwore.
Ale. Think what thou wert, and who could fwear
too much ?
Think what thou art, and that unfwears it all. i
Jup. Can you forfake me, for fo fmall a fault ? 11
’Twas but a jeft, perhaps too far purfu’d:
’Twas but at mod, a trial of your faith,
How you could bear unkindnefs :
’Twas but to get a reconciling kifs,
A wanton dratagem of love.
Ale. See how he doubles, like a hunted hare, j j
A jed, and then a trial, and a bait;
All duff, and daubing!
Jup. Think me jealous, then.
Ale. O that I could; for that’s a noble crime ;
And which a lover can, with eafe, forgive:
’Tis the high pulfe of paffion in a fever;
A lickly draught, but Ihews a burning third:
Thine tvas a forfeit, not a jealoufy:
And in that loathing of thy full gorg’d love.
Thou faw’d the naufeous objeft, with difdain.
Jup. O think not that: for you are ever new: -
Your fruits of love, are like eternal fpring
In happy climes, where fome are in the bud.
Some green, and ripening fome, while others fall, t
Ale. Ay, now you tell me this,
When rous’d defires, and frelh recruits of force,
Enable languiih’d love to take the field.
B it never hope to be receiv’d again :
You would again deny you were receiv’d ;
And brand my fpotlefs fame.
Jup. I will not dare to judify my crime,
B it only point you where to lay the blame :
Impute it to the hulband, not the lover.
Ale. How vainly would the fophider divide.
And make the huiband and the lover, two!
Jup A