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Or fung as follows. SANG XII. Happy thrum.
Hid from himfelf, nrw by the da’um
He Jiarts as frejb as rofes bla<um.
And ranges o'er the heights and lawn.
After his Meeting flocks.
Healthful, and innocently gay
He chants and •whiflles out the day :
Untaught to futile and then betray.
Like courtly weathercocks.
Life happy, from ambition free
Envy and vile hypocrifse.
Where truth and love with joys agree
Unfitly'd with a crime :
Unmov'd with what difturbs the Great,
In proping of their pride and fate;
He lives, and unafraid of fate.
Contentedfpends his time.
Now tow’rds good Symon’s houlc I’ll bend my way,
And fee what makes yon gamboling to-day;
All on the green, in a fair wanton ring.
My youthful tenants gayly dance and fing,
[Exit Sir William.
’Tis Symon’s houfe pkale to ftep in.
And vifly’t round and round,
There’-s nought fiiperflnous to give pain.
Or coftly to be found.
Yet all is clean: a clear peet-ingle
Glances amidft the floor;
The green horn-fpoons. Beech biggies mingle
On Ikelfs forgainft the door.
While the young brood fport on the green,
The auld anes think it beft,
With the brown Cow to dear their een.
Snuff, crack, and take their reft.