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A mutton-bouk to boil;—and ane we’ll roll:;
And on the haggles Elfpa fpares nae coft.
Small are they (horn; and Ihe can mix fou nice
The gufty ingans with a corn of fpice.
Fat are the puddings,—heads and feet well fung;
And we’ve invited nibours auld and young.
To pafs this afternoon with glee and game.
And drink our mailer’s health, and welcome hame.
Ye manna then refufe to join the reft.
Since ye’re my neareft friend that I like bell.
Bring wi’ ye all your family and then,
Whene’er you pleafe I’ll rant wi’ you again.
G l A u D.
Spoke like your fell, Auld-birky; never fear
But at your banquet I ftiall firft appear:
Faith we lhall bend the bicker and look bauld.
Till we forget that we are fail’d or auld.
Auld, faid I! Troth I’m younger be a fcore
With your good news than what I was before.
I’ll dance or e’en! Hey Magde, come forth, d’ye hear ?
■ Enter MADGE.
The man’s gane gyte! Dear Symon welcome here.
What wad ye, Claud, with a’ this hafte and din ?
Ye never let a body fit to fpin.'
G l a u D.
Spin! fnuff:—Gac break your wheel, and burn your
And fet the meikleft peet-ftack in a low;
Syne dance about the bane-fire till you die.
Since now again we’ll foon Sir William fee.
Blyth news indeed!—And wha v/as’t tald you o’t ?
G L A U D.