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Yc dafli the lad with conftant flighting pride;
Hatred for love is unco fare to bide:
J3ut ye’ll repent ye, if his love grow cauld.
What like’s a dorty maiden when Ihe’s auld ?
SANG III. Polvvart on the green.
The dorty nvill repent.
If lover's heart grow cauld.
And nane her /miles will tent.
Soon as her face looks auld:
The dauted bairn thus takes the pet.
Nor eats tho' hunger crave,
Whimpers and tarrows at his meat,
And's laught at by the lave.
They jejl it till the dinner's paft,
‘Thus by itfel abus'd.
The fool thing is oblig'd to fajl.
Or eat what they've refus'd.
Py ! Jenny, think, and dinna lit your time.
I never thought a Angle life a crifne.
Nor I: but love in whifpers lets us ken,
That men were made for us, and we.for men.
If Roger is my'jo, he kens him fell;
â– por Ac a tale I never heard him tell.
He glowrs and flghs, and I can guefs the caufe;
But wha’s oblig’d to fpell his hums and haws;
Whene’er he likes to tell his mind mair plain,
I’fe tell him frankly ne’er to do’t again.
They’re fools that flav’ry like, and may be free ;
The chiels may a’ knit up themfelves for me.