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• ACT I. SCENfel.
Beneath the fouth-fide of a craigy bield,
Where chryftal fprings the halefomfc waters yield,
Twa youthful Shepherds on thegowans lay,
Tenting their Flocks, ae bonny mom of May.
Poor ROGER granes till hollow ecchoes ring,
But blyther P A TIE likes to laugh and Cng.
P A T I E ani ROGER,
P A t t E.
SANG I. The waking of the Faulds.
Mr Peggy is a young thing.
Juft enter'd in her teens.
Fair as the day, and Jvjeet as May,
Fair as the day, and al’ways gay.
My Peggy is a young thing.
And I'm not very auld,
Tet well I like to meet her at
The ’waking of the Fauld.
My Peggy /peaks fae Jweetly,
Whene'er nve meet alane,
I ’wifb nae mair, to lay my Cara,
I ’wijh nae mair of a' that's rare.
My Peggy /peaks Jae fweetly.
To a' the lave I'm cauld:
But Jhe gars a' my fpirits glows
At ’waking of the Fauld.