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He fpeaks his loves fo artlefs and fincere.
As thy Eliza might be pleas’d to hear.
Heaven only to the Rural State bellows
Conqueft o’er life, and freedom from its woes;
Secure alike from envy, and from ca.j,
Nor rais’d by hope, nor yetdeprefl by fear;
Nor want’s lean hand its happinefs conftrains.
Nor riches vexes with ill-gotten gains.
No fecret guilt its lledfalt peace deltroys.
No wild ambition interrupts its joys.
Blell Hill to fpend the hours that heav’n has lent.
In humble goodnefs, and in calm- content.
Serenely gentle, as the thoughts that roll,
Sinlefs and pure in fair Humeia’s foul.
But now the Rural State thefe joys has loft.
Even Swains no more that innocence can boaft.
Love fpeaks no more what beauty may believe.
Prone to betray, and praftis’d to deceive.
Now Happinefs forfakes her bleft retreat.
The peaceful dwellings where Ihe fixt her feat.
The plealing fields Ihe wont of old to grace.
Companion to an upright, fober race;
When on the funny hill or verdant plain.
Free and familiar with the fons of men,
To crown the pleafures of the blamelds feaft,
She uninvited came a welcome gueft:
Ere yet an age, grown rich in impious arts.
Brib’d from their innocence, incautious hearts,
Then grudging hate, and finful pride fucceed.
Cruel revenge, and falfe unrighteous deed ;
Then dow’rlefs beauty loft the pow’r to more;
The ruft of lucre ftain’d the gold of love.
Bounteous no more, and hofpitably good
The genial hearth firft blufh’d with ftranger’s blood.
.The friend no more upon the friend relies.
And femblant falfhood puts on truth’s difguife.