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“ dear Santillane, art the perfon whom I chufe to
“ be his tutor. I confide in thy underftanding and
“ attachment to me, for thy care in regulating his fa-
“ mily, in giving him all forts of mailers; in a word,
“ of making him an accomplilhed cavalier.” I would
have refufed this employment, reprefenting to the
Count-Duke, that I was very ill qualified to educate
young noblemen, having never pratftifed that bufi-
nefs, which required more knowledge and merit than
J poflelfed. But he interrupted me, and fliut my
mouth, by faying, “ that he was abfolutely refolved
“ to make me governor to this adopted fon, whom he
“ deltined for the firll oiEces of the monarchy.” I
prepared myfelf therefore to fill this place for the
fatisfa&ion of his Grace, who, to reward my com¬
pliance, increafed my fmall revenue with a penfion
of a thoufand crowns, which he procured, or rather
gave me, on the commandery of Mamdra.
Ihc fon of tie Cenocfe lady is owned by an authentic off,
and called Don Henry Philip de Guzman. Santil- I
lane forms the family of that young noblcmvt, and hires
all forts of wafers for him.
r | ’ H E Count-Duke in a little time actually owned
-* the fon of Donna Margarita Spiuola, and the
deed was executed with the confent and inclination
of the King. Don Henry Philip de Guzman (for
that was the name given to this child of many fa- 1
thers) was declared foie heir of the Count d’Olivarez,
and of the duchy of San Lucar. The Minifter, that
no body might be ignorant of this event, ordered
Carncro to communicate the declaration to the ant-