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knagined in the firft cffay of this aiStrefs, was at the
play that evening ; and I faw him go out about the
end of the performance, ftcmingly very well fetisficd
with our two new players. Curious to know if he
was really affedted with their fuccefs, 1 -followed
him home, and going into his clofet juft after him,
“ Well, my Lord, (faid I) is your Excellency fatif-
“ fied with young Marialva ?” &fy Excellency.
“ (anfwered he, fmHing) would be very nice indeed,
“ if I refufed to join my vote to that of the public.
“ Ves, child, I am charmed with thy Lucretia, and
I don’t doubt that the King will be plcafcd when
“ he lees her.”
Lucretia mates a great wife at court, ard aBs before the
King, -who falls in love -with her. The eoufejucnces of
his pajften.
TH E appearance of two new ai&refies foon made
a noife at court: the very next day it was
fpoke of at the King’s levee. Some noblemen ex¬
tolled young Lucretia in particular, and drew fuch
a beautiful pidtnre of her, that the Monarch was
ftruck with it: but diflembling the impreflion which
their difeourfes made upon his heart, he feemed to
take no notice of what they faid. Neverthelefs, as
foon as he found himfelf alone with the Count-Duke,
he alked who this adtrefs was whom they praifed fo
much. The Minifter anfwered, that Arc was a young
player of Toledo,*who had made her firft appear¬
ance the preceding night with great fuccefs. “ She
is called Lucretia, (added he) a name very fuit-
“ able to people of her profetlion. She is an ac*
Vot. IV. S