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in fpite of the luftre of their diamonds, I toolc neither
the one nor the other for her whom I expedled. At
Jength, Lucretia-walked forwards from the bottom of
the ftage ; and her appearance was fkluted by a long'
and general clapping of hands. “ Ah! there fhe is,
“ (faid I to myfelf :) what a noble air ! what grace!
“ what fine eyes ! O the divine creature ! I was
“ actually very well pleafed, or rather paffionately
“ firuck with her perfun. On hearing her recite'
“ the iirft couplet, I found five had nature, fire, an-
“ underftanding above her age; and I willingly
“ joined my applaufe to that which (lie received
“ from the whole audience, during the whole per-
“ formance.” “ Well, (faid the Knight to me) you-
“ fee how Lucretia is carefltd by the public.” “ L
“ am not at all furprifcd at it,” (anfwered I.) “ You
“ would be lefs fo ftill, (faid he) if. you had heard"
“ her fing. She is a perfedl fyren. Woe be to
“ thofe who lifted! Her dancing is no lefs formidable!"
“ Her fteps, as dangerous as her voice, charm the
“ eye, and force the heart to yield.” If that be the-
“ cafe, (cried I) it muft be owned fhe is a prodigy!"
“ What happy mortal has the pleafure of ruining
“• himfelf for fueh an amiable creature ?”
“ She has no declared lover, (faid he) and even
“ fcandal has not as yet involved her in any private'
“ intrigue. Neverthelefs, (added he) this may foon"
*< be the cafe; for Lucretia is under the condudLof*
“ her aunt Eftella, who is certainly the mod expert1
«» of all the adtrefles.” of Eftella, Is
interrupted the Knight with precipitation, to afk if
that Eftella was an adtrefis of the Toledo company.
“ She is one of the beft of them (faid he :) flio has
“ not a died to-day, and we have fuffcred by her ah*
“ fence : fhe ufually plays the part of the waiting-