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“ want underftanding; art, I believe, modeft, pru-
dent, and difereet; in a word, thou feemeft proper
“ for executing twenty forts of commitlions, which
“ require a young man of extenfive underAanding,
“ who is at the fame time in my interefts.”
I was not proof againft the flattering images which
thefe words raifed in my imagination. Some vapours
of avarice and ambition mounted into my brain,
and awaked in me thofe fentiments over which I
thought I, had gained a complete triumph. I pro*
tefted to the minifler, that I would anfwer his in*
tentions with all my power; and I kept myfelf
ready to execute, without fcruple, all the commif-
fions with which he fhoutd think proper to entruft
While I was thus difpofed to raife new altars to
Fortune, Scipio returning from his journey, faid;
“ I have not a tedious narration to make. The
“ Lords of Leyva were charmed when I told them
“ the reception you met with from the King, when
he knew you, and with the behaviour of the Count
“ d’Olivarez.”
Here I interrupted Scipio, faying, “ You would
M have given them (till more pleafure, my friendj
“ could you have told them on what footing I am
“ now with his Grace. The rapidity of the progrefs
“ which I have made in his Excellency’s heart
“ fince thy departure, is altogether prodigious.”
“ God be praifed! my dear mailer, (anfwered he)
“ I forefee that a fplendid deftiny awaits us.” “ Let
“ us wave this fubjedt, (faid I) and talk of Oviedo.
“ Thou hall been at the AAurias; in what condi-
“ tion did!! thou leave my mother “ Ah ! Sir,
“ (be replied, afluming all of a fudden a melancholy