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with, I had the complaifancc to continue the fame
conduit during three weeks; and one day, at length,
the monarch, ftruck with my appearance, ordered
me to be called in; and 1 entered his clofet, not with¬
out great diforder to find myfelf tete a tete with my
fovereign. “ Who are you ! (faid he) I remember
“ your face, but cannot recoiled where I have feen
you.” “ Sir, (anfwered I, trembling) I had the
“ honour to conduit your Majefly one night, with
“ the Count de Lemos, to the houfe of ”• “ Oh!
“ I remember it, (faid the Prince, interrupting me)
“ you was fecretary to the Duke of Lerma, and, if
*' 1 am not miftaken, your name is Santillane. I
“ have not forgot that you ferved me with abun-
41 dance of zeal on the occafion, and that you was
“ very ill rewarded for your pains : was not you im-
“ prifoned for that adventure “ Yes, Sir, (faid I)
“ I was fix months in the tower of Segovia, irom
“ whence your goodnefs delivered me.” “ That
“ (anfwered he) does not acquit me of the obbga-
“ tion; it is not enough to fet you at liberty, 1 ought
“ to recompenfe you for the misfortune which you
“ fuffered for love of me.!’.
Juft as the Prince had pronounced thef^s’ords,
the Count d’Qlivarcz entered the clofet. A favourite
takes umbrage at every thing : he was aftoauhcd to
find a ftranger there r and the King redoubled his
furprife, ,in faying to him : “ Count, I recommend
“ this young man to you ; employ him in fome fliape
“ or other, and take care of his advancement.” The
Minifter affedled to receive this order with a gra¬
cious look, eying me from head to foot, and very
anxious to know who 1 was. “ Go, friend, (faid
‘‘ the monarch to me, making a fign for me to r