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The amours of Gil Eks and the fair Antonia.
TW O days after my retura from Valencia to Li*
rias. Bad the labourer, my farmer, came in
the morning to aflc leave to prcfent Antonia his
daughter, who (he faid) wanted to have the honour
of fainting her new mailer. I teld him, that it
would give me great pleafure;- upon which he went
out, and returned foon after with the fair Antonia.
I think I may give that epithet to a maid of fmeen
or eighteen years, who, with the. mod regular fea¬
tures, poflefled the faired complexion and fined eyes
in the world. Though die was clad in a duff gown,,
her rich air, majedic port and graces, that do not
always accompany youth, dignified the fimplicity of
her 4red. She wore no cap on her head, her hair
being tied up behind with a knot of dowers, in the
manner of the. Lacedaemonian womens When die
entered my chamber, X was as much druck with her
beauty, as the knights of Charlemain’s court with
the charms of Angelica. Indead.of receiving Anto¬
nia with eafe, and faying kind things to her; indead
ef congratulating the father on his happinefs in ha¬
ving fuch a charming daughter, I dood confounded,
adonidicd, and mute. Scipio, who perceived my
diforder, fpoke in my room, and was at the expenee
of thofe praifes which I owed to that lovely crea¬
ture. As for her part, not at all dazzled by my fi¬
gure, in my morning gown and cap, die faluted me
without any concern, and made, me a compliment,
whi. h, though common, enchanted my affe&ioa.
Ip, the mean time, while my fecretary, fiaiii and»