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■'*'» time follicitor. The -Ton of Lucmda won I'd have
“ rather fpent his whole time in prayer, but he was
“ obliged to facrifice his Inclination to the 'good of
“ the convent. He acquired fuch a perfedt know-
“ ledge of the interells of the houfe, that he was
** deemed capable of filling the place of the old fol-
“ licitor, who died three years after. Don Raphael
M- actually exercrfes1 that -employment -at prefcrtt,
and acquits himfelf in it to the great fatisfaflion
“ of all our fathers, who praife his coadudi very
“ much in the adminiftration of our temporalities.
“ What- is very furpriling is, that in fpite of the care
of colledling our revenues, with which he is iti-
veiled, he feems engroffcd'by-eternity alone; and
u when his buflnefs leaves him a moment to himlelf,
“ he employs it in the mod profound meditation.
“In a word, he is one - of. the holitft monks- in our'
- In this place I interrupted Lamela with a tranf-
port of joy, that I exprefied at the fight of Raphael,
who arrived. “ There, (cried I), there is the holy
“ follicitor for whom I waited fo impatiently.” At
tlie fame time I ran up and embraced him. He re¬
ceived my falutation with a good grace; and, with-
• out difeovering the leaft furprife at meeting, faid to
.me with-a voice full of fweernefs, “ God be praifed,
“ Signiorde Santillane, God'be praifed for-the plea-
“ fure I have in feeing you." “ Truly, (J replied),
“ my dear Raphael, I fliare as much as poflible in
M your happinefs. Brother Ambrofe has recounted
“ tome the hiltory of yemr converfion, and I was
“ charmed with the narration. What advantage
“ have you both, my friends, in being able to flatter
“ yourfelves, that you are of the fu.-all number of
V-o i_. IV. ,E