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] was fo much aftoniflied, fo (truck with this meet*
ing, that,, inftead of accofting the monk, I flood im*
moveable fonie minutes; during whkh he was gone
a good way from me. “ Juft Heaven ! (faid I) were
“ ever two faces more alike! What muft I think of
this affair ? Can it be Raphael indeed; or can I
,i doubt that it is he ?” I was too curious to know
the truth, to remain long where I was. I afked the
way to the monaftery of the Carthuftans, whither I
ktftantly repaired, in hopes of feeing my man again,
when he llinuld return; and firmly refolved to flop,
and fpeak. with him. I had no occafion to wait fo»
this : when 1 came to the gate of the convent, an¬
other face of my acquaintance turned my doubts in¬
to certainty: I recollerfted in the porter, my old va¬
let Ambrofe de Lamela.
We were equally furprifed to find one another in
that place. “ Don’t I dream ? (faid I, laluting him)
“ is it actually one of my friends whom ! behold i”
He could not recal me at firft, or feigned himfelf ig¬
norant of my features; but, confidering that this
feint was ufelefs, he affected the air of a perfbn who
remembers a thing all of a fudden : “ Ah ! Signior
Gil bias! (cried he) forgive my want of memory.
“ Since 1 have lived in this holy place, and applied
“ myfelf to fulfil the duties preferibed by our rules,
“ I lofe infenfiblytheremembrance of what I have
“ feen in the world.”
“ I am fincercly rejoiced (faid I) to fee you, after
“ an abfence of ten years, in fuch a reverend drefs.”
“ And I (hereplied,) am afhamed to appear in it,
“ beforea perfon who has been witnefs of the wicked
“ life I led. This drefs inceffantly upbraids me.
“ Alas ! (added he, frghing profoundly) to be worn