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number of people enter, attraded my attention. I
approached it, in order to know the reafon of inch
a great concourfe of men and women ; and was foon
fatisfied, when I read thefe words, written in golden
letters, on a ftone of black marble placed over the
gate, * La pufaia tie los repref/mtet. And the players
advertifed in their bill, that they would that day,
for the firft time, a(3r a new tragedy compofed by
Don Gabriel Triaquero.
C H A P. V.
Gil Bias gies to the play, -where he fees a new trage/fy
aBed The fuctefs of that performance, with the public -
tafle of Valencia.
I STOPPED fome minutes at the door, to view
* the people who went in ; and obferved, that
they confided of all ranks. I faw cavaliers of a
genteel mien, ■ and richly dreffed, and fome figures
as ordinary as the deaths they wore. I perceived
ladies of quality alight from their coaches, and go
to the boxes, which they had ordered to be befpoke; -
and female adventurers go in with a view of alluring
cullies. This concourfe of all forts of fpedtators
made me defirous- of encrearfing the number. Juft
as I was going to take a ticket, the governor and
his lady arriving difeerned me in the croud ; and
ordering me to be called, carried me into their box,
where 1 placed inylelf behind them, fo as to be able
to fpeak to both with eafe. 1 found the houfe full
of people from top to bottom, the pic very much ■
thronged, and the flage loaded with knights of the.--
* The Theatre,
D 3