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concerned approved of the propofal : I paid the firft
gear’s annuity per advance, and quitted Oviedo next
morning before break of day, that 1 might not be
treated by the populace like another St Stephen-
Such was the reception I met with in my own coun¬
try. An excellent leflbn for thofe people of the com¬
mon rank, who, after having got a fortune abroad,
return to the place of their nativity, and afl'tiit the
gentleman of importance.
Gil Bias departs for the kingdom of Valencia, and at
length arrives at Lirias. A defr'tpiian of his hovfe.
His reception ; -with an account of the people be found
"VV E took the road to Leon, then to Valencia; and
* 1 continuing our journey, by fliort flages, in ten
days arrived at the city of Segorba* from whence,
next morning, we repaired to my eftate, which is
but three leagues diftant from it. As we drew near
this place, my fecretary obferved, with great atten¬
tion, all the country-feats that pre/eutcd themfelves
to his view, on the right and left; and when he per¬
ceived one of a grand appearance, he always pointed
to it with his finger, and faid, “ I wifli that was our
“ retreat.” “ I don’t know, friend, (faid I to him)
“what idea thou haft formed of our habitation; but
“ if you imagine that it is a magnificent houfe, like
“ that on fome great nobleman’s eftate, I tell you
“ bcfore-hand, that you are furioufly miftaken. If
“ thou haft not a mind to be the dupe of thy own
“ imagination, reprefent to thyfelf the fmall houfe
which Horace enjoyed in the country of the Sa-