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CHAP. LVf. i
The motions of the heart.
I Entered the room where his body lay j
I approached it with reverence, not
fear: I looked the recollection of the paft
crowded upon me. I faw that form,
which, but a little before, was animated
with a foul which did honour to humanity,
ftretched without fenfe or feeling before
me. It is a connection we cannot eafily
forget; 1 took his hand in mine ; I re¬
peated his name involuntarily ;—i felt a
pulfe in every vein at the found. 1 looked
earnestly in his face ; his eye was clofed,
his lip pale and motionlefs. There is an
cnthufufm in forrow that forgets impolli-
bility ; I wondered that it was fo. The
fight drew a prayer from my heart ; it
was the voice of frailty and of man ! the
confufion of my mind began to fubfide
into thought j I had time to weep !
I turned,