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Sir Harry Bmfon’s?—He did not wait
for an anfwer ; but having by this time
obferved the hat with its party-coloured
ornament hanging on a peg near the door>
he prefled forwards into the kFchen, and
addrefling himfelf to a ftranger whom he
faw there, aiked him, with no fnrull tre¬
mor in his voice, If he had any commands
for him ? The man looked, filly, artd
faid, That he had nothing to trouble his
honour with, “ Are not you a fervant
of Sir Harry Benfon’s ?”—“No, Sir.”—
“ You’ll pardon me, young man; I
judged by the favour in your hat.”——
Sir, I am his majefty’s fervant, God
blefs him ! and thele favours, we always
wear when we are recruiting.”—“ Re¬
cruiting!” his eyes gliftened at the word:
he feized the foldjer’s hand, and lhaking
it violently, ordered Peter to fetch a bot¬
tle of his. aunt’s beft dram. The bottle
was brought: “ You (hall drink the king’s
health, faid Harley, in a bumper”
“ The.king and your honour.”—“ Nay*