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with a meaning face of recital ? His mas¬
ter indeed did not at firft obferve it 4 for
he was fitting, with one fhoe buckled,
bufied in delineating portraits in the fire.
I have brufhed thefe clothes, Sir, as
you ordered me.” Harley nodded his
head; but Peter obferved that his hat
wanted brufhing too : his mailer nodded
again. At laft Peter bethought him,
that the fire needed ftirring ; and, taking
up the poker, demolifhed the turband-
head of a Saracen, while his mailer was
feeking out a body for it. “ The morn¬
ing is main cold, Sir,” faid Peter. “ Is
it ?” faid Harley. “ Yes, Sir; I have
been as far as Tom Dowfon’s to fetch
fome barberries he had picked for Mrs.
Matgery. There was a rare junketing
lafl night at Thomas’s among Sir Harry
Benfon’s fervants: He lay at Squire WaL
t ;u’s, but he would not fuffer his fer¬
vants to trouble the family; fo, to be
fure, they were all at Tom’s, and had a
fiddle and a hot fupper in the big room