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Harley, who difcovered from the drefs
of the ftranger that he was juft arrived
from a journey, begged that they would
both remove to his "lodgings, till he could
procure others for them. Atkins looked
at him with fome marks of furprtfe. His
daughter now firft recovered the power of
Ipeech : “ Wretch as I am, faid (he,
yet there is fome gratithde due to the
preferver of your child. See him now
before you. To him I owe my life, or
at lead the comfort x>f imploring your
forgivetiefs before I die.” “Pardon me,
young gentleman, faid Atkins, I fear my
paflion wronged you.”
“ Never, never, Sir, faid Harley ; if
k had, your reconciliation to your daugh¬
ter were an attonement a thoufand fold.”,
He then repeated his requeft that he
might be allowed to eon dud them to his
lodgings, to which Mr. Atkins at laft
conleiited. He took his daughter’s arm,
M “ Comcjj