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While good Sir William is to rejl retir'd.
The Gentle Shepherd, tenderly infpir’d, .
Walks thro' the broom with Roger ever leel;
To meet, to comfort Meg, and tak farcivecl.
Rog. "XTST©W ! but I’m cadgie ; and my heart
VV lowps light;
O, Mr Patrick ! ay your thoughts were right:
Sure gentle fowkare hirer feen than we
That naething hae to brag o’ pedigree.
My Jenny now, wha brak my heart this morn,
Is perfeft yielding,—fwcet,—and nae mair fcorn.
I fpake my jnind—{he heard—I fpake again,
She fmil’d—I kifs’d—I woo’d, nor woo’d in vain.
Pat. I’m glad to hear’t—But O my change this
Heaves up my joy, and yet I’m fometimes wae.
I’ve found a father, gently kind as brave,
And an eilate that lifts me ’boon the lave.
Wi’looks a’kindnels words that love confeft, "t
He a’ the father to my foul expreft, >■
While clofe he hi i tne to his nanlybrealt. J
Such were'the eye'*, he faid, thus fmii’d the mouth
Of thy lov’d mother, bleffing of my youth ;
Whofet too foon !—And while he praife beftow’d,
Ado a u his gracefu’ cheeks a torrent flow’d.
My new bom joys, and this his tender tale,
Did mingle thus, o’er a’ my thoughts prevail;
That fpeechlefs lang, my late kend fire I view'd,
While guflting tears my panting breaft bedew’d.
Unufual tranfports made my head turn round, T
Whilll I myfell, wi’ rifing raptures found >
The happy fon of ane fo much renown’d. J
B it he has heard !—To faithful Symon’sfear
Has brought my love for Peggy to his ear :
Which he forbids.—Ah ! this confounds my peace.
While thus to beat my heart fhall fooner ceafe.
Rog. How to advife ye, troth I’m at a (land ;
But were’t my cafe, ye’d clear it up aff-hand.
' Pat. Duty, and haflen reafon, plead his caufe :
But what cares love for reafon, rules, and laws i