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And f ye’re ’iveamerfj honejl light,
Sleep, gin ye like, a neck that night.
End of the Second Act.
No tv tttrn your eyes beyond yen fpreading lime.
And tent a man tvhofe heardfeems hleech'd tvi’ time
' An elvand flh his hand, his habit mean ;
Nae doult ye’ll think he has a pedlar been. '
But lubijkt! it is the knight in mafeurad.
That comes hid in this cloud to fee his lad.
Obferve hotv pleas'd the loyalfufferer monies
Thro’ his auld ati’nues, anes delighfu’ groves.
Sir WILLIAM folus.
THE gentleman thus hid in law difguife,
I’ll for a fpaee unknown delight mine eyes
With a full view of every fertile plain.
Which once I loft, which now are mine again.
Yet ’inidft my joys, thofe profpefts pain renew,
Whilft I my once fair feat in •ruins view.
Yonder, ah me ! itdefolately.Hands,
Without a roof; the gates fallen from their bands;
The cafements all broke down ; no chimney left;
The naked walls of tap’flry all bereft :
Mv ftables and pavTuons, broken walls'.
That with each rainy blaft decaying falls :
My.gardens, once adorn’d the moll complete,
With all that nature, all that art makes fweet ;
Where round the figur’d green the peble walks.
The dewy fiow’rs hang nodding on their ftalks :
But, overgrown with nettles, docks, and briers.
No hyacinths or eglantines appear.