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When Brawny elf-(hot never mair came hame;
When Tibby ki'rn'd, and there nae butter came ;
When Befly Freelock’s chuffe cheeked wean
To a fairy turn’d, and could na’ ftand its lane ;
When Watie wander’d ae night thro’ the fliaw ;
And tint himfelf amaift amang the fnaw ;
When Mungo’s mare flood ftill, and fwat wi’ fright.
When he brought call the howdy under night;
When Bawfy /hot to dead upon the green,
And Sara tint a fnood was nae mairfeen :
You, Luckey gat the vvyte of a’ fell out.
And ilka anc here dreads ye round about:
And fae they may that mint to do ye fkaith ;
For me to wrang ye. I’ll be very laith ;
But when I neilt mak grots. I’ll ftrive to pleafe
You wi’ a furlot of them, mixt wi’ peafe.
Mau. I thank .ye, lad.—Now tell me your demands,
A nd, if I can, I’ll lend my helping hand.
BauL Then I like Peggy.—Neps is fond of me. ~t
Peggy likes Pate;—and Pate is bauld and flee, >
And looeb fweet Meg—But Neps I downa fee. J
Cou’d ye turn Patie’s love to Neps, and then
P.gry’s to me,—I’d be the happieft man.
Alan I’ll try my art to gar the bowls row right:
Sae gang your ways, and come again at night ;
’Gainft that time I’ll fome Ample things prepare,
Worth a’ your peafe and grots; tak ye nae care.
Bau/. Well, Maufe, I’ll come, gif I the road can And
But ifraife the de’il he’ll raife the wind ;
Syne rain and thunder, may be, when it’s Iate>
Will mak the night fae mirk, I’ll tine the gate.
We’re a’ to rant at Symie’s at a feafl,
O ! will ye come like Brar’rans, for a jell;
And there ye can our different haviours fpy ;
There’: nant {hall kt n o’t there but you and I.
Mau. I’ts like I may ,—but let na on what’s paft
’Tween you and me, elfe fear a kittle call.
Baul. If I ought o’your fecrets e’er advance,
May ye ride on me ilka night to France.
£#it Bauldy.