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Auld, faid I! troth Pm younger be a (core,
Wi’ your good news, than what I was before,
I'll dance or e’en ! Hey, Madge! come forth: d’ye
hear ?
Enter MADGE.
Mad. The man’s gaae gyte ! Dear Symon, welcome
What wad ye, Glaud, wi’ a’ this haile and din ?
Ye never let a body fit to fpin.
Gla. Spin! fnuff—Gae break your wheel, and bum
your tow,
And fet the meikleft peet-ftack in alow;
Syne dance about the bane-fire till ye dee,
Since how again we’ll foon Sir William fee-
Mad. Blyth news indeed ! And wha was’t tald you
Gla. What’s that to you ?—Gae get my Sunday’s
Wale out the whiteft of my bobbit bands.
My white-flcin hofe, and mittons for my hands;
Then frae their waihin cry the bairns in hade.
And mak ye’rfells as trig, head, feet, and waift,
As ye were a’ to get young lads or e’en ;
For we’re gaun o’er to dine wi’ Sym bedeen.
Sym. Do, honeft Madge:—and Glaud, I’ll o’er the
And fee that a’ be done as I wad hae’t.
7he open Jield.—A cottage in a glen,
An auld wife /pinning at the funny end——
At a /mail dijlance, by a blajled tree,
With faulded arms, and haff-rais'd looks, ye fee.
BAULDT his lane.
WHAT’S this, I canna bear’t! it’s war than hell,
To be fae brunt wi’ love, yet darna tell!