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/f fnug thnck-honfe, before the (boor a green :
Hens an the v.ulding, ducks in dubs are feen.
On this fide fends a barn, on that a byre :
H peetflall joins, andforms a ruralfquare.
7 he kcufe is Claud’s :—there you may fee- him lean.
And to his divet feat invite bis friend.
GLAUD and S Y M O N.
G L- A U D.
GOOD-morrow, nibonrSymon come, fit down.
And gie’s your cracks.—What’s a’ the news in
town ?
They tell me ye was in the ither dar.
And faldyour crummock and her baflen’d quey.
I’ll warrant ye’ve coft a pund of cut and dry ;
Lug out your box, and gre’s a pipe to try.
Sym. Wi’ a' my heart;—and U nt me now auld boy,
JSe gather’d news will kittle your mind wi’ joy.
1 cou’dna reft till I came o’er the burn.
To tell you things have taken fic a turn,
Will gar our vile oppreftbrs (land like fleas.
And fkulk in hidlingson the htther braes.
Gla. Fy, blaw ! ah, Sytne, ratling chiels ne’er fta>mJ
To deck and fpr-ead the groffdt lies aff-hand.
Whilk ftron flies round, like will-five, far and near:
But loofc your poke, be't true or fialfe let's hear.
Sym. Seeing’s believing. Gland j and I hae feen
Hab, that abroad has with our niafttr been ;
Our brave good maftcr, wha right wifely fled,
And left a Stir eftate, tofave his head :
Becaufe ye ken feu well he bravely chofc
To ftand his liege’s friend wi’great Montrofe.
Now Cromwell’s gaue to Nick, and ane cau’d Monk
Has play’d tic Hum, t a right flee begu k,
Reftor’d Kinr Charles, a c ilka thing’s in tune:
And Habby iajswc’U fee Sit VVjiliam fee