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Pat. Daft gowk ! leave afF that filly whining way
Seem carelefs, there’s my hand, ye’ll wia the day.
Hear how I ferv’d my lafs I loo as weel
As ye do Jenny, and wi’ heart as leel.
Laft morning I was gay and early out.
Upon a dyke I lean’d, glowring about:
I faw my Meg come linking o’er the lee :
I faw my Meg, hut Meggy law nae me ;
For yet the fun was wading throgh the miff,
And file was clofe upon me ere fhe will:
Her coats were kiltit, and did fweetly fhaw
Her ftrnit bare legs that whiter were than fnaw 5
I-Ier cockernony fnodded up fu’ fleek ;
Her haffet locks hung w aving on her cheek;
Her cheeks fae niddy, and her een fae clear;
And O ! her mouth’s like ony hinny pear.
Neat, neat fhe was, in buftine wailicoat clean,
As fhe came fkifling o’er the dewy green.
Blythfome, I cry’d, My bonny Meg, come here;
I ferly wherefore ye’re fae foon a fleer:
But I can guefs ye’re gawn to gather dew :
She fcowr’d awa, and faid, What’s that to you?
Then fare ye weel, Meg-dorts, and e’ens you like,
I carlefs cry’d ; and lap in o’er the dyke.
I trow, when that file faw, within a crack,
She came/wi’ a right thievlefs errand back ;
Mifca’d me firft—then bad me hound my dog.
To wear up three waff ewes ftray’d on the bog.
I leugh, and fae did file; then wi’ great hafte
I clafp’d my arms about her neck and waift,
About her y elding waift, and took afouth.
Of fvveeteft kiffes frae her glowand mouth.
While hard and fall I held her in my grips,
My very faul came looping to my lips.
Sair, fair fhe flet wd' me 'tween ilka fmack ;
But well I .end fhe meant nae as fhe fpak.
Dear Roger when your jo puts on her gloom,
Do ve fae too, and never fafii your thumb.
Stem tofonake her, foon fhe'li change her mood ;
Gae woo anither, and fhe'll gang clean wood.