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gan with praying to God, that he would
grant me the gift of temperance ; and
was fully pcrfuaded, that, how difficult
foever any undertaking be which d man
fets about, he will attain his end, if he
has but refolution enough to conquer the
obftacles to his defign. By this means l
rooted out my evil habits, and contraifled
good ones 5 fo that I ufed myfelf to a
courfe of life which was by fo much the
more fevere and auflere, by how much
the more my conftitution was become ve¬
ry w^eak when I began it. In fhort, my
lord, when they had heard my realbns>
they were forced to fubmit to them.
The youngeft among them told me,
that he agreed that this favour might be
univerfal to all men, but that it was very
rarely efficacious, and that I mud needs
have a more fpecial and vidtorious gracd
to get above the delights and cuftom of
an eafy life, and embrace one that was
quite contrary to it: that he did not
look upon it to be impoffible, fince my