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day, and were surprised to find how short the distance
was. After passing the gate of Rednock Castle we
turned to the left and drove a short way close along
the lochside past the kirk and small village (composed
of only two or three houses) of Port Menteith, getting
a good view of Inchmahome on the way. We stopped
to take our tea (which had been made before we went
out, but was quite hot still) outside Rednock grounds,
and then drove back again, but took another turn
through Callander, and then along a road (above which
a number of pretty villas are built, and where you have
a very pretty view) which comes out at Kilmahog Turn¬
pike. Then home by a quarter past seven. Found
Sir William Jenner, whom we had sent for, arrived. I
dined below (hobbling along a little better and down¬
stairs without help) in the drawing-room with Louise
and Jane Churchill.
Thursday, September 9.
I had a really very fair night, and on getting up
found I could walk much better, for which I was most
thankful. I went down to breakfast as usual. Re¬
ceived again letters from dear Arthur and Colonel
Elphinstone with excellent and favourable accounts of
the good his presence had already done. At half-past
eleven drove with Louise and Beatrice up the Pass of
Leny as far as the commencement of Loch Lubnaig,
intending to sketch, but it was too late. We met first
two large coaches covered with people on the nar¬
rowest part of the bridge going to Kilmahog, and then
endless droves of wild-looking, and for the most part
extremely small, shaggy Highland cattle with their