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Chap. ^ Page
xxxiii. Digression relative to the Gauls 450
xxxiv. In continuation 452
xxxv. In continuation 453
xxxvi. Fatal error of the Fabii 455
xxxvii. The-Gauls march to Rome 456
xxxviii. A battle. The Romans defeated 457
xxxix. The Gauls enter Rome. The flower of
the Romans fly to the citadel and Ca¬
pitol 459
xl. The deep distress which ensued this bat¬
tle 461
xli. Resolution and massa'cre of the aged se¬
nators 462
xlii. Rome set on fire. Melancholy scene ... 463
xliii. The Gauls disappointed. Turn the siege
into a blockade. Camillas at Ardea 465
xliv. Caniillus addresses the Ardeans 466
xlv. A party of the Gauls surprised by Camil¬
las. The soldiers at Veii surprise the
Tuscan's 467
xlvi. Resolution of a young Roman. Camillus
recallett-ajid-created Dictator, heads
the army Veii 468‘
xlvii. An attempt of" the Gauls frustrated by
the gallantry of Manlius 470
xlviii. Pe4dence. Famine. A Compromise ... 472
xlix. Cumilius changes the face of affairs 473
J. Regulations after the expulsion of the
Gauls 474
li. Speech of Camillus 476
lii. In continuation 477
liii. In continuation ;... 480
-t, liv. - In continuation 481
Iv. Camillus prevails 483
J. iSf C. Muir head. Printers,