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Chap. Page
xivi. A battle. Q. Fabius killed 174
xlvii. Defeat of the Vejentes, &c. Manlius kil¬
led. Fabius becomes popular 175
xlviii. Proposal of the Fabian family 177
xlix. The Fabii leave the city to keep the Ve-
jentes in awe, who sue for peace 179
1. The fabii fan jn an ambuscade, and are
cut off 181
li. The Vejentes punished 182
lii.. Trial of Menenius and Servilius 183
liii. War with the Vejentes and Sabines 185
liv. A new check to the tribunitian power 186
Iv. The Senators exult on their victory, but
meet with a check 187
Ivi. Great disputes about the mode of electing
tribunes 189
Ivii. Peace restored by Quinctius.. Obstinacy of
the army under Appius 191
Iviii. Claudius, being chosen Consul, is sent
against the Volsci 192
lix. Appius decimates his army for cowardice, 193
lx. Quinctius more successful and beloved.
Volero’s law passed 194
Ixi. Trial and death of Appius 195
Ixii. The country of the JEqui and Sabines plun¬
dered .. 196
Ixiii. War with the Volsci and iEqui 197
Ixiv. War with the Volsci. Device of Quinctius, 198
Ixv. The Volsci defeated, and their camp taken, 200
Containing the disputes between the Orders—Foreign Wars
—the Creation and expulsion of Decemvirs, and the
Re-establishment of Consular Government and Popular
Magistrates, down to the year 306.
Chap. i. Contests about the Agrarian law. War
with the Aiqui 202
ii. The iEqui defeated 203
iii. New attempts of the JEqui, who are dis¬
charged 205
iv. Fabius over-reached by the iEqui 206