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Chap. 24. ROMAN HISTORY. 237
their arms*, and such provisions as were ready dressed.
Cornelius, the other consul, sent them provisions from
The campaign before Tusculum lasted several months.
With part of the army, Fabius invested the enemy’s
camp, having dispatched the rest to assist the Tusculans
in the recovery of their citadel, which was deemed im¬
pregnable by any force. Famine, however, at last
obliged the enemy to abandon it, who being reduced to
the last extremity, were, by the Tusculans, obliged ta
pass naked and unarmed under the yoke. The Roman
consul pursued them in their shameful flight, and com¬
ing up with them at the Algidus, put every one of them
to the sword.
The victorious consul led back his army to Columen,
for so was the place called, where he encamped. Cornelius
likewise, now that the city was in no danger, the enemy
being defeated, marched out of Rome with his army:
and the two consuls entering the enemy’s territories, in
two different divisions, contended who should do the
greatest_execution, the one in the country of the Volsci,
and the other in that of the iEqui. Most authors seem
positives that the Antiates revolted this year, and that
they were reduced by L. Cornelius, who took their town.
But I do not choose to mention it for a truth, as the
more ancient historians are silent with respect to it.
Volscius impeached fer perjury. The Census finished.
This war being over, a contention with the tribunes
at home, discomposed the fathers. They exclaimed,
that the army was kept in the field by artful manoeuvres,
with a view to stave oil' the bill; and declared, that no¬
thing should hinder them from going through with what
they had undertaken. Nevertheless, Lucretius, prasfect
. of the city, prevailed with them to defer the business till
the arrival of the consuls.
There arose likewise, a new ground of contention :
A. Cornelius and Q. Servilius, who were at that time
quaestors, appointed M. Volscius a day to stand trial, for