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Book I.
They were charged in particular, with making incur¬
sions on, and ravaging Numitor’s lands, assisted by a
band of young fellow scollected for the purpose; in con¬
sequence of which, Remus was delivered over to Numi-
tor to be punished. It is to be observed, that Faustulus
from the beginning had some notion that the children
he had been bringing up were of the blood royal, for
he knew they had been exposed by the king’s order, and
the time he had taken them up, corresponded exactly
with the date of the order: but he had no intention of
discovering the secret unseasonably, before be found a
proper opportunity, or was compelled by necessity. Ne¬
cessity was his first motive: for, instigated by his concern
for the safety of his ward, he makes a full discovery to
Romulus. By chance too, when Numitor had Remus
in custody, he had heard that he had a twin brother;
and by comparing their ages with their dispositions,
which he found the very reverse of servile, he was struck
with the idea of his grand-children; and upon farther
inquiry, was almost determined to acknowledge Remus.
Wherefore a plot is laid for the king on all sides.
Romulus, however, did not advance with his young
adventurers in a body, as being, by open force, unequal
to the attempt; but having ordered the shepherds, by
difierent routs, to meet at the palace, at an hour con¬
certed, he then forces his way to the king, whilst, from
Numitor's house, Remus advances with another party,
which he had convened for his brother’s assistance.
The city Rome built by Romulus.
Numitor, at the beginning of the insurrection,
under pretence that an enemy had invaded the city,
and made their way good to the palace, called off the
Alban youth to garrison and defend the castle. But
when he saw his grand-sons advancing towards him, with
loud huzzas, having done their business, he immediately
called a council, laid open to them his brother’s wicked
proceedings against himself, acquaints them with the