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C/ Servants "DMies te their Maflers,
<e, Veciufe the Lord requiteth it at your Hinds , fo mnJfi
Apol^e eyprefies, c® : i: jj; For fpetking t J ^enrants,
f»ith* Whaterer ye do, doit heartily as to tfi* Laird}
.acis 'arkatlbever Service ye da to your Mailers, do it for
e Lord’s fake, becaufe he hath commanded it, .and chert
re doit out of confcieHce to the Word and Camnu
od, wha requires you to yield (ificere Service and ( .
: to your Mailers } for this will ftir you uptodoittq
belt Manner you can, thatfo God n»ty accepfthcitj
id reward you for the fame.
. Your Obedience mull be univerfal unto every
they require of you ; fo much the . Apollle exprelTee,
j: ai: Servants (faith he ) obey your Mailers in all
'hings .not only in fuck Things as feem eafie and motl-pleaf
your Fancy, but whatfoever they cammand you be-
o >t contrary tothe Word of God, but are in themfelves
onell and lawful; for if they liould command you to lie,
vear, or ufe falfe Weights and Meafures, which are Thing*
irbidden by God, you ought not therein to yield to their
ommands, but to fay tiato t em,as Jofeph to hh Miftrefs,
lowjball I do this great Wickednefs andfin against Godi
“'ho lie was a Servant to his Mailer’s command, yet would r
s not be a Servant to his Millrefs Lulls.
II Another Duty incuntbent upon Servauj*' J^ligence
difpatehing their Bulinefs, withon- 'oitering'pr mindieg
• leir own Eafe and pleafure; but as tj .r Strength and time
their vlallers, fo they ought to put* forth their Strength,
1 rhfttr \Ai • T
ipipy their whole Time in their Mailers fel vice : I
»y, their uvitole Time, excepting fome part thereof, for
heir fecrec their Morning^niEvemng prayers
itoGod: For Servants mull have rcfjMj^rheir Mafter
Heaven, aswell astotheir Mailer i Wam and tpake
much confcience of perform*- cheifflBp& him, as to
eir Mailers according to theFieflf; for indeed the Lord I*
he bell Mailer, Who gives the belt Wages, and largell Re-
III. Another Dutie, is Faithfulaeft Servants mull (hnv
dl Faithfulnefs to their Mahers, as thr Apoftfe exprefTes
r"“' a: to: Both that Trufi At, Is repofed in Strvan-.s.'aud
hat Account that is to be taken of them, require Faithful- "
refs.Do you not rcnqember wnattheLordfaid toche Sterv-
ird. Give an accouiu pf. tky *.tevvafdttilp, L«^e it '£ 4pd,
vere notuil the Serudnts j v vhom Talents were cojnmic-
ed, called coaf,Acdeuu. ? \f«ty a/. , <]Vvt>*ben doth .