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I$fi The Dutirr of Mafhrt.
you up to ihii much negltfled Duly of Family PrayerfU
i (flailctmmtnd a jew Arguments.
. i. Takenfrem the praiSicecHhe Faithful iiul] .sges.W* f.
read it was ^Abraham’s praftift, wherefeerer he came, to
trildan Altar to God, where God fhould be’called upon
jL/ji ly by him ai d his Family^Gen. ra. *. aid jj, and'
/v, 1 . We read hkeavife it afas fol 's ptaftice, as you’lhall
findl yob i. J. nidf ojhuah’s, asappears by this pioteftan.
on, eft for me and my f amilr, we rvill ftrvi the Loid, Joflrl
24. , s In the New Teliamenr, it is recorded 01 Corneltto,
That he was a deif Hut Man, who feared Goi with all his
Houle, and prayed to God always, Atto to- r. Which mi-
plieth, he kept a conllant courfe in prayer. Now thele things
are recorded for our teaming, thajtlp vte might vvnte after
their copy, by following tin it Exampleinfs excellent 0 deity
- Every Mafltr in his Family is both a King, a Pro-
sa+.rl Tkw l fit) IT* ; e - ~k ea.r, ’l r. h! a XT' „ ~ , .
Prof let to teasb andinfiruft hJs Famly. and a Frit si to
offer up the Sacrifice of Prayer and T hanlfgiying, nut
only ftr himfelf, but alfofor all tbofewbo are ctmmitnd
to their charge. Let therefore all Mailers oj Families
know, that it is their duty, which God wifi require of
them, not only to fra. by themfeives, (andyet 1 would
to God all did but that fut alje to calliegcthtr all their
family, and to be their ncutb untoGcd inprater, unto
which they may be enceutagedly GoePsgraeais frim/e.
That where two or three are gathered together in Cbijt’s
Name,there he vviP be in the midll of them Mat. t i. g.
4. A Mafterof a Family, by his daily offering up a morn-
ring anderening Sacrifice ofpiayer and’praile will maks
hii Houfeau Houfe of prayer, or little Temple, which Gcd
w/4'fill w/rh his prefence. Yea, ACbnJh'an’s Houieis liereby
made God’s Church, by a conftant performance 01 holy Du¬
ties, vehieh is a great Honour to a Family ‘
4. Family prayers are a fpecial Means to bring down
•God’s Bleffing upon the whole Family, and upon all their
lawful Untieitakings. As God 'blelfed the Houle ot Oled-E-
dem ior his Aik’s fake, fo Will God blefs rhe/e Families in
â– which his Name is called uponjfor Gediinefs is prcfifable un¬
to all things,as well iff Families as in any other Societies-
* f- Another Argument may be taken fitm the Danger 0;
negleAtng this Duty of Family Prayer •. for fuch do m. ur the
Dtnger ojGod's Wuth and Fury, Tenr out thy fury upon