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s *8 of the Dull ts t>f Purentf.
dren by natur»l Generation fo you ftouici/Irive and
vour to make t /ent his Children, by a godly and religimj
Education, via/lin, in his fifth Book of Confeflions, fpeaf
ing of his Mother Af*« ca, faith, JJLtjiriJbUicitudint tt - "
truebat ifirltu, qii*mcarne. Sec. That llie narailed ,
greater care and ftronger pain for hih fpiritual Birth tha
his natural Birth. And truly th« like care and pains fhoulj
fceinall Parents towards their Children. Not thinking ii
fnfficient t.iat they hare brought them up to fomegoot
Trade, whereby they may lire another Day, but they muflj
likewife bring them up in the Fear of God, teaching thent
f» to ferve him here/ that they may lire with him eter»
nally in'the Heavens.
Boryour better Help therein, take thefe few Direiftions.
I. Inftruft them ia the Principles of Religion, by teachina
them feme good mtechifm, which (hould be frequently if
not daily performed, rho’ but a very little at once, to pre¬
vent Wearineft in your Children
Quell:. Hove join Jhould vet begin to tench our Children f
oinf Whenthey are able to learn any Thing that is evil
it is high Time to teach them fomething that it good,
lemon faith.W'hen he yens 'cting *ni tenderhis Anther taught)
him Prov. 4. 3, 4, And that his Mother did fo, you "•i“
read in the laft Chapter of the Book of * ‘'~
,ft Chapter of the Book of»-rover bs. „
. S injlruli them in u fraZUcnl Part of Cbriftidi ..
ttity, by calling upon them frequently to read the -icri "ire.*;
daily to offer,up a Morning and Evening Sacrifice of c
and Praife unto God; conftaucly to give Thanks before ant
after Mails, carefully to avoid al known fins, and diligent#
ly to phrform every known Duty, and that out of conf«
ence. This the Lord commanded in Abraham I
him, faith God, that he wi l , ommand his Children, and t
h't H outlaid after'him, to hytf the Way of the Lord, to do
Juflice and Judgment. Gen. 18. 19.
a, Bring them with you to the fublic{ Ordinances {
God, fofoon as they can remember any Thing vehi h the,
hear. When yo/bwab read tlih Words of the law befort
the Congregation of If ael. it is exprefly faid, That tl .
Women, and the little Ones, were amongft them, JolbuaJ
». 3 y-
4! Examine your Children at Home of what they haY
heard in the fublic^Congregation, and labour to make M
more clear and plain to their Underftanding. g