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2.72 Dlre fthit foi the worthy receiving |
th'meft ? Oil you upon your approaching to thafr
Ordinance, caft up your fins by Confeflion, and'
will you now with the Diz return to the Vom.V
agiini Did you there by the Eye of Faith fee
Chrift crucified for your finsa under the Rites of
breaking the Bread, and pouring out the Wine,
and will you now by a frefh committing of fin,
crucify him again? Rather refolve and drive
hencjforward to crucify your fins, for which
Ghnd Was rucified; to hate and abhor, and a-
ban ion every fin, as much aiin you lies.
4. Labour to live more foberly, righteoufly and-
^ d j in thir prefent Worldt Titus 2. 12. More
foberly towards yourfelves, more righteoufly to*
wards your N Ighbours, and more godly towards
God. As you have been made Partakers of an Or¬
dinance, not common to all^butpeculiar to Saints}
fo your Live fhoald have fometf hat peculiar in
them which is not common to wicked Men. You
/hould live coviucing Lives, by exceeding others
inH >linef» and Righteoufnefs. You mu ft be more
frequent and fervent in Family Duties, more
frequent and fervent in fantftifying the Lord’s
Day, tnorejul and honeflin your Dealings with
Men, living foas you may credit your Profefiioa
and-adorn the Gofpel of Jefus tThrifi. And when
you are tempted to any fin, thus reafon the Cafe
wi h y ourfelf: Was I not lately at the Lord’s
Table ? A id did I not there vow and pr omife to
'be more watchful againft fin, and more careful,
to walk in the Wiyso Goilinefs ? And thall I
now depout of the Ways of G jdlinefs into the
Way of fin? T aus lay your T mptation to the-
„ Touch,done of your V )W. and try whether it be
|. MOt againfl it; which through the Rlefling of
L Go 1, may prevent many a Sin. r-u a d