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154 directions for the ibortly receiving
Chrift’s Sufferings. The Soldiers that fcourge:
and crucified him, were but our Executioners f
inflfift oa him thofe Funifhments Which our Sia
deferred, and God’s Juftice impofed for thi
fame. They Were our fins which iavennmei
thofe Whips that feoarged his innocent Body
thofe Thorns which pricked his Temples, an1
thofe Nails which pierced his Hands and Feet
and made them, fo bitter unto him; 4 Oh there
1 fore, that we could fo look upon him whon
4 we have pierced by our fins, that we migft
‘ mourn as one that mourneth for his only Soajj
* and be in Bitternefs as one is in Bitternefs ftSi
‘ his Firft-born, Zech. j2. io.
5. The Remembrance of Chrift’s Death flbowli
work In us the Death o£fin: We fhould fo re
member the Death of Cnrift, as to die unto fiat
For the aipoftle P«a/urgethour Death tofinfrboB
the Death of Chrift, that as Chrijl died, and re/f*
again, jo we Jh uld die to jin. and liveuruo GooM
Rom. 6. 2. To this End, let us hate and loatl*
fin as the greateft Evil, refolving with the Afliffji
ance of God’s Grace, to leave and forfake aljt
manner of fins for the Time to come. Forwhl*
fhould any fin feem light to us, which lay fir
heavy upon our Saviour, as to. caft him into r
bloody Sweat? Why fhould any fin be fweet t *
us, which was fo bitter to our Saviour? Far fc k
it from us, by our renewed fins, to tear open hi
Wounds afrefh, and crucify him again. I
6. The Remembrance of Chrift11 Death Jhoul1
work, up our Heart/ to jome due Thanifuinej [■
unto God. and his Son yefu/Chrijl, for their u:
f cokable Love and Mercy towards us therei tt
Thackfulnefs is a Grace,not only to be cxercifi