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J'6o Direfiioru for the wtrtky 'fceiving
tt feis Death. For h/s yphole L fe was a continu-;
al Sufferiig. Meditate therefore of his
Birth and Flight in his Infancy, of the manifold
ReproadnCJ that were cart upon him from Time
to Time, yea, of n.i manifold Perfeaition*, of
Shcir ci uel handling of hipi «t Time of his
Death ; when they apprehended ham like a Thief,
bound him, arraigned and condemned him as a
?ilalefa<flor, buffeted him with their Hands, beat
him with /laves, fconrged him with Whips, mail¬
ing long Furrows on hit Bach; plating on his Head
as Crown of {harp Thorns, laid an heavy Crofs
on his Back, nailed his Hands and Feet to that
Crofs gave him Gall and Vinegar to drink, and.
fundry W'ays much afflicted him. Thus was his
Body, broken with Torments. In .relation
hereunto it is faid of him. That he was a Mi
of Sorrows and acquainted with Grief, Jfai. 53. 3,
Especially when thou art prefent at the Sa¬
crament, take a Turn with Chrifl in the Gar-
den, by meditating of his bitter Agony,-when
in he did fweat great Drops of Blood, whicl
‘ arTof in any before noi
was never read nor heard
lince. Yea, the Blood that then Chrift did)
fweat, was not thin watery Blood, but thicMf
Blood, as the Grerit Word properly FgnifiethJI
Luke 22. 42. faith the Evangelifl, Being in adf
Agony> his Sweat teas, as it rvere great Drops oj
Blood falling down tt the Ground. Which latl
ter claufe fheweth, that the Blood of ChrilljJ
paifed through the Pores of his Body in fuch
plentiful Manner, that it trickled down to thH
Ground in great Abundance: So that as BetU
nerd fpjaketh, Son folum Ocnhs, fed mtmLrsll
omnibus fieviife videtur; Not only the Eyes fjl