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!tbs Lord's Super.
'omraunion with Chrift, and r" his Mcmb'err. A
erioui Meditation of thefe, will be a
li Vleans to ftirup in us feme fpiritual Appetite after
he Ordinance, that we fhall go with hungering
indthirfling D^fires after the fame.
J 3. Go to the Sacrament uith a jlrcng lExpefldti*
In to receive much from Godin and through that Or-
finance'. Knowing that God will enlarge himself
into all thofe who come with enlarged HeartJ,
litha flrong expectation of many good Thing#*
)pen thy Mcuth tcide, faith the Lord, (Pfolm g I.
10. ^and \‘will fill it. So that if thou open thy-
Touth wide, in a longing Expectation of great
iatters, he will fill ft; Yea, the more thine heart
|s enlarged in Defirn and Expectation,* the more
>ill God’#Heart be enlarged towards you. As
herefore God'hath promifed in the Covenant of'
If ace. To be thy God, to write hh Law in thine
leart, to pardon thy ftm, to (ubdue thy Corruptions,
jo give thee a Joft Heart, yta, to give ihee Grace
ve, and Glory hereafter, and the like: Go with
a Expectation of thefe, or any fuch like Blef-
tngs, and thou flialt not be difappointed of thy
! 4. Approach the Lordcs Table with all
ileverence, in refpeCt of God’# glorious hlojetty,
Iwho is in a fpecial Manner prefent at the Ordi¬
nance to behold his Gueit*, and will be fanftw
S'ed of all thofe who draw nigh utito bint*
j-ev. 10. 3.
5. Approach thereunto witlnall Humility, in
■efpeCt of thine own Vileneis and Unworthi-
iefs, who art but finful Dull and Afhes, and, if
Ihou halt any Light of Grace in thee, canftnot
>ut be ooafeious to thyldf of more Corrup¬
tions ;