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ie TelUmony of James Stewart Page 149
delation concerning Alexander Ruflel
ic Interrogations of Robert Gray J6g
Letter to John Anderfon Priloner in Dumfries 164
Teltimony and his lalt Words on the Scaffold 17*
Interrogations of James Robcrtton - 173
Teltimony 174
ie Teitimony of John Finlay ‘89
ic Teltimony of William Cochran 197
ic Teltimony of Andrew Guiline HOC
ic Teltimony of John Cochran _ 203
Relation concerning Arthur Bruce and John Whilelaw 205
: Letter from John Wharry ibid
: letter from James Smith 207
a errogations of John Nilbet Younger 209
ie Teltimony ot John Nilbet younger alO
ilwers by John Wilfon Writer in Lanerk, before feven
ir eight of the Council, with his anfwers before the
Council 2ift
alLnsof his Anfwers, and Reflections thereupon 221;
s Kealons againlt fupplicating the Council for a Reprive 223
s Teltimony 22 S
ic Teltimony of George Marline 232
ue Teltimony of John Main 237
Relation concerning John Gilry 236
Relation concerning John Richmond, Arcbbaid Stewart,
James Ninian and James Johnltoun 244
ic Teltimony of John Richmond 246
Letter of Archbald Stewarts 254
ie Teltimony Captain JohnPatoun 257
ie Teltimony of james Niibet 2or
ie Teuunnny of Arthur Taket 269
ie Teltimony of Thomas Robertfon 273
-terrogations of James Nicol 27S
Relation concerning Mr. John Dick 283
Relation concerning Thomas Harknefs, Andrew Clark,
Samuel M‘Euen, etc. ibid
joint Teltimony of Thomas Harknefs, Andrew Clark,
Samuel M‘Euen' 284
i >int Teltimony of James Lawfon and Alexander
Wood 285
he Interrogations of George Jackfon 288
Relation concerning Wil. Keagow, J. Semple and J. Wat 291
Letter of John Semples _ 292
le Teltimony of James Graham. 264
he Teltimony of Robert Pollock 296
The -