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217*3 4-lob^s-iVs 41^% 10=
5*16 by 1000= , *21 by 1000= .
% When ihc niimber of figures in the dM-sor is ^rcalfW
division at large will be very troublesome, but may be cOK
tracted thus:
Having, by the first general rule, found what place of dl ‘
cimals or integers the first figure of the quotient will posse.' •
consider how many figiires of the quotient Will serve the prj f
sent purpose ; then take the same number of the teft-har jr
figures of the divisor, and as many of the dividend figur ([,.
as will contain them (less than 10 times.),; by these find tl jj.
first figure Of the quotient, and for each following figu ^
divide the last remainder by the divisor, wanting one figu: 1
to the right more than before, but observing what must 1 r.
carried to the first product for such omitted figures, as i it
the second contraction of multiplication ; and continue th si
, operation till the divisor is exhausted.
Note. When there are not as many, fiiyircs in the divisor as are r|
quired to,the quotient, begin the division with ail the figures { >
usual, and continue it till the number of figures in the diyisor, an.
those remaining to be found in the quotient be equal, after which ua »
the contraction. ”
1. Divide 2508*92806 by 92'li035, so as to have fou
decimals in the quotient, in which case' the quotient wi ^
contain six figures. * la
02-4103,5) 2508-928,06 (27-1498
Common ivai/. 1 P
92-4103,5) 2503-928,06 (27-1491 '
66072106 .1 p
460757.50 J L'
91116100 i ,
79467850 4 '
. ’ . . 5539570 1 t
2. Divide H 09*2351 by 230*409, so that the quotienj
may contain four decimals.
3. Divide 37*10438 by 5713*96, that die quotient maj L
contain five deciirials.
4. Divide 913*08 by 2137*2, that die quotient may coni '
tain three decimals.