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12, What is the neat weight of the three following lol
of wormseed ? viz.
cwt qr lb
N 1. 3 2 8—tare 12 lb each.
2. 2 3 23
3. 3 1 15 Ans. 9 cwt 2 qr 13 11
IS. In 15 cwtS qr H lb gross, tare 13 lb per cwt, and trt
4 lb per 104 lb, how much neat ? Ans. 13 cwt 1 qr 27-f It
14. Suppose 17i lb per cwt tare, and 4 lb per 104 lb trei
were allowed on seven casks of prunes, each 3 cwt 1 qr 5 1
gross ; what would the neat weight be ?
15. What is the neat weight of 3 hhds of sugar, weigh
ing as follows: the first, 4 cwt 5 lb gross, tare 73 lb ; tb
. second, 3 cwt 2 qr gross, tare 56 lb ; and tlie third, 2 cw
3 qr 17 lb gross, tare 47 lb, allowing also 4 lb per 104 1
tret ? . - - Ans. 8 cwt 2 qr 4 It
16. In four casks of currants, each 7 cwt 1 qr 12 lb gros*
tare 2 qr 10 lb per cask, tret 4 lb per 104 lb, and cloff 2 1
per 100 lb ; how much neat ? Ans. 25 cwt 2 qr 1£ li
17. In 23 cwt S-qr 7 lb gross, how much neat, allowing
1 qr S lb per ewt tare, 4 lb per 104 lb tret, and 2 lb pe
300 lb clolf? - - Ans. 16 cwt 1 qr 22^ It
18. In 17 cwt 17 lb gross weight of galls, how much neal
. allowing 18 lb per cwt tare, 4 lb per 104 lb tret, and 2 1!
per 3 cwt cloif ? - - Ans. 13 cwt 3 qr 11 It
19. In three casks of oil weighing as follows: N° 1
3 cwt 17 lb, N° 2. 2 cwt 3 qr 5 lb, N° 3. 4 cwt 1 qr 17 It
how many gallons, allowing 18 lb per cwt tare, and 7i 1
neat to a gallon ? - - Ans. ga-
20. In 7 casks of oil, each weighing 3 cwt 1 qr gross
how many neat gallons, allowing 20 lb per cwt tare, an.
74 lb per gallon ? - ■ - • Ans. 279,V It
A FRACTION, or broken number, is an expression c ty
one or more parts of any number.
The number of parts into which the number is suppose* ,
to be divided, is called the denominator; and the number c
those parts expressed by the fraction, is called the numerc'
Ans. 18 cwt 2 qr 24 It