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mix the simple ?<nJ compound rules together. AJsi
though I have inserted little or nothing superfluous in
of the problems or general rules, the judicious Teachei
may omit any notes, or particular cases he may think fit!
And if all the Pupils have printed books, as they ought,
then they may either write all the rules and examples i;
their books, or they may omit the rules and notes, an<
set down only the work of their examples, especially
where the rules are long and tedious to write These
advantages, together with that of having the book alwayi
about them, to get off any precepts or tables when they
are out of school, will fully repay them the small expence
of the book It is also a good practice in some Precep¬
tors, to procure parcels of these books interleaved with
writing paper, and bound up, for their Pupils to enter
their exarnp'es in, after they are calculated; as by giving
to every one of them a copy so bound, the expence of a
large paper book is saved, as well as the trouble of
ting out the rules, &c I must here also camion some
Masters against that foolish method of writing down the
rules and examples for their Pupils, especially in Addi¬
tion, and Subtraction, both of integers and decimals ; for
in these rules, .this is often the only difficulty, and the
best part of his exercise; and on this account I have
given most of the questions in a form different from that
in which they commonly are proposed.
Reduction is placed before the rules of Addition,
Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of compound
numbers; because, in my opinion, Compound Addition
is best it; and in Compound Division it is
absolutely necessary. But every one nrJy teach them in
what order he shall think fit; for the tables of money,
- weights, and measures, may be as conveniently inserted in
Compound Addition as in Reduction, if they be copied at
all in any part; which, however, I think is needless, and
only wasting time, especially if the Scholar has a printed
book: Also, if any Masters choose-to make theje Pupils
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