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Croc, da, the French ambaflador, refufed to countenance
Mary’s marriage with Bothwell, ii. 77. attempts in vain
a reconciliation between the Queen and the confederate
Lords, 83, 84. mediates a truce between the King and
Queen’s party in Scotland — — ii. 201
Crown matrimonial of Scotland, rights conveyed by the grant
of, i. 156. is granted by Parliament to the Dauphin of
France, 158. deputies appointed to carry it, but are pre¬
vented, i6x. is demanded by Darnly — ii. 8
Cunningham, Robert, appears at the trial of Bothwell in name
of the Earl of Lennox, ii. 61. demands a delay, which i*
refufed — — — ibid.
Curie, one of Q^ Mary’s fecretaries, is feized and carried
prifoner to London, ii. 317. is produced an evidence againft
her — — — 325
Darnly, Henry, Lord, propofed as a hufband to Q^Mary, I.
302. his right of fucceflion confidercd, ibid. 303. is per¬
mitted to vifit the court of Scotland, 309. arrives there,
and quickly gains the Queen’s heart, 310. his charafter,
312. difgufts feveral of the nobles, particularly Murray,
ibid, cultivates a familiarity with David Rizio, 3T3. is
defpifed on that account, 314. grows intolerably infolent
and haughty, 32r. fchemes to aflaflinate Murray, 323.
a plot to feize and fend him to England prevented by the
Qieen, ibid, his marriage with the Queen celebrated, 327.
is honoured with the title of King of Scotland, ibid, is
implacable with refpedt to the exiled nobles, ii. 2. lofes
the Queen’s affedtion by his untoward behaviour, 7. de¬
mands the crown matrimonial, 8. becomes fufpicious of
Rizio’s ill offices with the Queen, ibid, his refolution to be
avenged of him encouraged by the nobles, 10. articles
agreed on between them for that purpofe, 12. heads the
sonfpirators who perpetrate the murder, 13. confines the
Queen after it is committed, 15. prohibits the meeting of
the Parliament, ibid, makes his efcape with the Queen, 16.
her hatred to him increafes, 23. is negledted by her and
treated with little refpeft by the nobles, 28. refolves to
leave Scotland, 29. his ftrange behaviour at the baptiftn
of the Prince, 41, 42, 43. retires to his father at Glafgow,
45. falls lick there, 47. is negledted by the Queen, 4s*