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102 APPENDIX. N° 2.
the defence of our caus, gifF ze have any refpeft for
zour awne weill. Their preparatives in France, and
levying of men in Germany, (quheyroff I am lately ad-
vertifed,) ar not altogidder ordeyned for us, ze ar the
mark they ihote at ; they feke our realme, but for ane
entrey to zours. GifF they fhould diredlly fchaw hof-
tilite to zow, they knaw zo wald mak redy for theym,
therefor they do, by indirect meanes, to blind zovv, the
thing they dare not as zit planely attempte. They
feme to invade us to th’ end, that having aiFembled theyr
hale forces fa nere zour bordours, they may unlok it to
attack zow : It is ane of their aid fetches, making a
fchew to one place, to lyght on ane other. Remember
how covertly zour places about Boulougne were affaizeit,
and carried away, ze being in peace as now. How the
enterprife of Calais was fynely diiFembled, I think ze
have not fa fone forgotten. Beware of the third, pre¬
vent theyr policy by prudence. GifF ze fe not the lyke
difpofition prefently in theym, ze fe nathing It is a
grolFe ignorance to mifknaw, what all nations planely
fpeks ofF. Tak heed ze zay not hereafter, “ Had I
wit! 5” ane uncomely fentence to precede ofF a wyfe
man’s mouth. That is onwares chanced on to zow,
quhilk zow commonly wiffed that this countrey myght
be divorfed from the Frenfche, and is fa comme to pafs
as was maid expedient for zow. For gifF by your in-
tyfement we had taken the mater in hand, ze myght
have fufpedled we would have been untrudy friends,
and na langer continued ftedfafte, then perril had ap¬
peared. But now, quhen ofFour felf, we have concey ved
the hatered, provoked by private injurie,, and that theyr
evil dealings with ws hes deferved our inimityte, let no
man dobte but they fall fynde ws enemyes in erneft, that
fa ungently hes demeyned our coontrey, and at quhais
hands we can lo-k for nathing but all extremitye, gifF
ever they may get the upper hand. Let not this occa-
fion, fa happely offered, efcape zow: gifF ze do, neg-
lefling the prefent opportunitie, and hoping to have
ever gode lull, comme fleaping upon zow, it is to be
feared zour enemye waxe fo great and fa ftrang, that