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the other’s face; he miffed, and Bolton
pulhed forward to clofe with him ; when
one of the fervants, quitting Mifs Sindall,
threw himfelf between him and his mafler,
and made a blow at his head with the
but-end of a hunting-whip; this Harry
catched on his flick, and in the return
levelled the fellow with the ground. His
mafler now fired another piflol, which
would have probably taken more effedl
than the former, had not Bolton’s new
acquaintance flruck up the muzzle juft
as it went off, the ball going through a
window at Harry’s back. The baronet
had his fword now drawn in the other
hand, and, changing the obje£t of his
attack, he made a furious pafs at the fol-
dier, who parried it with his hanger. At
the fecond lounge Sir Thomas’s violence
threw him on the point of his adverfary’s
weapon, which entered his body a little
k 2 below