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182 the man of the world.
cife I could not fo eafily endure. I loft
the ufe of my limbs, and lay motionlefa
on my back, in a corner of the hole we
were confined in, covered with vermin,
and fupported, in that wretched ftate,
only by the infrequent humanity of fome
failor, who crammed my mouth with a
bit of his brown bread, foftened in (link¬
ing water. The natural vigour of my con-
llitution, however, bore up againft this
complicated milery, till, upon the con-
clufion of the peace, we regained our free¬
dom. But when I was fet at liberty, I
had not ftrength to enjoy itj and after my
companions were gone, was obliged to
crawl feveral weeks about the ftreets of
Breft, where the charity of fome well-
difpofed Frenchmen beftowed now and
then a trifle upon the pauvrs Jauvage, as
I was called, till I recovered the exercife
of my limbs, and was able to work my