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fC modities which their traders value.
Strength, agility, and fortitude, are
<c fufHcient to us but with them they are
*c of little ufe; and he who pofleffes
“ wealth, having no need of virtue, among
“ the wealthy it will not be found. The
“ laft your father taught you, and amongft
*5 us you have pradtifed; the firft he had
“ not to leave, nor have we to bellow j
<c but take as many beaver-fkins as you
“ can carry on your journey, that it may
“ reach that parent whom, you tell us,
,e you go to cherilh.”
,c I returned thanks to the old man for
his counfel, and to the whole tribe for
their kindnefs j and having, according to
his advice, taken a few of the furs they
offered me, I refumed the tattered re¬
mains of the European drefs which I had
on when I efcaped from the fort, and took
the nearell road to one of our back-fettle-
' ments,