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a collar and bell, ornamented much be¬
yond the trappings of any animal that
could belong to the houfe. From this
circumftance her curiofity was excited to
enter, when fhe was not a little furprifed
to find a young lady in a moft elegant
undrefs, fitting on a joint-ftool by the
fire, with one of the children of the family
on her lap. The ladies exprefied mutual
aflonifhment in their countenances at this
meeting, when the good-woman of the
houfe running up to them, and clafping
a hand of each in her’s, “ Bleffings, faid
Ihe, thoufands of bleffings on you both !
a lovelier couple, or a better, my eyes
never looked on.”—The infant clapped
its hands as if inftinftively. “ Dear
heart! continued its mother, look, if my
Tommy be not thanking you too ! well
may he clap his hands j if it had not
been for your gracious felves, by this
time his hands would have been cold